Wednesday, March 4, 2009

EXAMINED LIFE..."The unexamined life is not worth living." ( Apology 38a) Socrates

Søren Kierkegaard/Neitsche

I am in good spirits even though I cannot shake of the pretensious tone of this writing voice that conjures to mind I have lapsed into using which makes me feel as if I lived through the Victorian times and attended church everyday. I have been in a mighty sophical mood to day. I always get a burst of "Ha- up yours!" and a load more action in my day when people upset me - no ones ever happy unless they have something to complain about. It keeps us off our ass in complacence. So amongst many of my own musings today which reviled in a new understanding while on the toilet before the film I am about to describe to you, is that there is no way I can figure out what I want to do unless I have nothing. The problem, the catch, the paradox and the irony as life lets live is that when I figure out where I want to channel all this zest for everything that surrounds me I'm going to need all this money I've saved to start out on whatever it is that I want to pursue. Does it sound like melodrama?-yesiam! Two clinches in my way that money can afford me are Distractions and Links and when I'm Down and Out like George Orwell In 1949 I won't be able to afford to sit in a cafe and eat croissants whilst staring out the window wondering why some answer won't come to me or surf on the web and find another film/exhibit/music show to go to which I feel I have to go to or I'll miss out on some other revelation I must have. When will I learn they are not mine but someone else's to be admired? And that I need to have my own, then see all this amazing work of others to bounce off their ideas with mine.I need to spend more time in my head, in a quiet room, a library, yes thats it and just pull it out of me, bit by bit. (Image of me pulling out a bit of string from my right nostril and it is very slow and feels very painful, sometimes I sneeze and loads spills out of me other times a Knot that has occurred in the once perfectly rolled up ball of string in my head blocks up the process and I have to tug at it edging it out) A TESTIMONY TO THE TIMES when we can all be potential geniuses if we put our minds to it. We can all self-educate on the web now but can we be disciplined. This is much harder for our generation with the constant distractions and habitual instant gratification of social media which makes our concentration lack any prolonged depth and development. This is what Lu Hang from Texas thought when he decided he had to be the best at something in the world so took up tree climbing. 
APPIAH - cosmopolitanism, we accept difference but on our own terms, we are
JUDITH BUTLER- create a society where we are voluntarily willing to assist each other
MICHAEL HARDT - revolution of the consciousness
PETER SINGER - cost of shoes v's life of child
meaning in life is fulfilled by making the world better through our actions for the world we share and others.
CORNEL WEST - versus Beckett's fail better next time but rather desire v's death, v's dogma, democracy v's domination
We are never going to get the whole picture, only t's not TRUTH and time is a gift, failure non-existent - essential part of progress ,creative drive out of darkness, beautiful torment
ZIZEK - stop investing so much meaning in the nature of things
there is no reason why some suffer and some do not everything that happens is one big random catastrophe. the present ecological dilemma is part of the very nature of human evolution which denies what indications of brewing disaster exists beyond sight and to this self-denial we can only submit to the inevitable and embrace poetry in code and spirituality - beauty in the debris and junk we create and leave to waste..we must embrace this side of our life the ugly, the bad and accept it as part of us, like one would of a true love!

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